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Saturday, March 29, 2025

Deputy Mayor Clarifies Covid-19 Lockdown Measures for Vientiane Capital

This Week

Laos has confirmed 12 new cases of Covid-19 today, bringing the total number of cases to 1,763.

Dr. Lattanaxay Phetsouvanh led the daily announcement by the National Taskforce today, giving a briefing on the situation around the world before announcing the number of new cases in Laos.

He said that following 1,815 tests in the past 24 hours, Vientiane Capital saw four new community transmitted cases, while Savannakhet recorded five imported cases, Champasack saw two new imported cases, while Oudomxay recorded one case which remains under investigation.

The country has 44 quarantine centers open as thousands of laborers return home to Laos from neighboring Thailand, with those who have symptoms consistent with Covid-19 isolated and tested.

Deputy Mayor of Vientiane Captial, Phouvong Vongkhamsao, spoke during the announcement regarding the relaxation of certain lockdown measures.

He said the new lockdown measures, in place until midnight 4 June, will see the extension of the Prime Ministerial Instruction 15/PM in place for Vientiane Capital.

“As you know, districts will be dividing villages or areas into colored zones, where certain measures will be stricter than before, while others will be relaxed,” he said.

Deputy Mayor Phouvong confirmed that residents of red zones may not leave their homes unless absolutely necessary, and may not hold family gatherings, parties, social engagements, meetings, or conferences of any kind. He said that barbershops, casinos, gaming venues, chicken fighting rings, tourist attractions, and snooker venues must remain closed.

Village offices and essential government offices may open, while emergency service vehicles and personnel must be allowed entrance to red zones. Garbage collection vehicles will also be granted access.

Red zones will remain under 24-hour surveillance, with checkpoints in place to inspect all vehicles entering or exiting the area.  Persons infected with Covid-19 will be taken immediately to hospital and the homes of infected persons will be sprayed with disinfectant.

Volunteer groups will be established to provide assistance to affected families in red zones. The volunteers will assist in providing poor or vulnerable families in red zones with groceries and essential items, as well as checking the health of those in red zones.

District heads will be responsible for announcing the establishment or upgrade and downgrade of red, yellow, and green zones in their district in coordination with health authorities.

Deputy Mayor Phouvong said that in yellow zones, residents will be forbidden from entering or exiting areas within ten houses of infected persons.

Restaurants in yellow zones and green zones may open and provide take-away services, while pharmacies, hairdressers and barbershops, supermarkets, and minimarts may open.

Residents of green zones will be forbidden from holding gatherings or meetings of more than ten people and are forbidden from stockpiling goods or raising the prices of goods unnecessarily.

However, residents of green zones may exercise outdoors and may visit green or yellow zones.

He said that those who violate the regulations stipulated by central or city authorities would face civil or criminal punishment in accordance with relevant laws.

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