Amidst a climate of confusion, Laos finds itself grappling with the unpredictable extremes of heatwaves and cold snaps. This trend is not isolated to...
Concerns are mounting in Laos over child safety following reports of Chinese individuals attempting kidnappings, prompting local authorities to issue warnings and urging vigilance...
As Southeast Asian nations race to boost tourism recovery, countries such as Vietnam and Thailand have intensified efforts to expand their visa exemption policies...
More than 5,000 children have dropped out of primary, lower, and upper secondary schools in Bokeo Province during the current academic year of 2023–24,...
BANGKOK (AP) — Thaksin Shinawatra, the billionaire former prime minister of Thailand, made a dramatic return home after more than a decade of self-imposed exile.
He was detained in...
The Lao government, along with stakeholders in the tourism sector, is increasing efforts to elevate tourism standards with the aim of attracting more visitors...
Laos and Thailand have joined forces to elevate a temporary border trade checkpoint to a permanent facility, aiming to bolster trade relations between the...
BANGKOK (AP) — Former Thai Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was released on parole early Sunday, 18 February from a Bangkok hospital, where he spent six months serving time...
Savannakhet Province is set to become the first province in Laos to revolutionize its weather monitoring capabilities with the installation of state-of-the-art Light-Emitting Diode...
Recent findings have once again confirmed that Laos has the highest rates of adolescent pregnancy in Southeast Asia.
A study conducted by Marie Habito, a...
Valentine’s Day is not an official holiday in Laos, yet the entire country embraces a celebratory spirit every 14th of February.
Although this day lacks...
Social media users voiced mounting concern over the escalating problem of drug trafficking following the recent confiscation of a significant quantity of amphetamines in...
The Lao government and international organizations are preparing for the 5th Population and Housing Census (PHC) in 2025, set to be the first digital...
Local authorities and police in several northern provinces of Laos have intensified efforts to combat illicit drug cultivation by eradicating opium poppy fields discovered...