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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Xaythany Traffic Police Fine Vehicles with LED Spotlights

This Week

Last week, police in Xaythany District set up checkpoints to inspect vehicles for LED spotlights.

Lao News Security reports that traffic police were permitted to set up checkpoints with the approval of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Vientiane Headquarters of Public Security.

Maj. Souny Xayyavong, Deputy of the Xaythany Police Department, said that 60 of the motorists whose vehicles they inspected had violated traffic regulations by installing LED spotlights, which must be removed within 30 days.

Xaythany police also noticed several modified vehicles, as well as several vehicles with unpaid road taxes or without license plates or documentation, and several which had not been checked for safety.

Maj. Souny called on motorists in the Xaythany District to follow traffic laws, particularly the law against installing LED lights on their vehicles, which may cause accidents and disrupt other motorists on the road.

According to traffic laws and regulations, motorists who modify lighting systems will be fined LAK 400,000, as will those who drive without headlights or backup lights.

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