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Saturday, July 27, 2024

KOICA Provides USD 1 Million in Aid for UXO Victims in Laos

This Week

The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) has donated USD 1 million to support a project that will provide job training and improve the lives of UXO victims in the provinces of Xieng Khouang and Houaphanh. 

KOICA collaborated with the National Regulating Authority for UXO in Laos to help fund a project implemented by the Cooperative Orthotic & Prosthetic Enterprise (COPE), the Quality of Life Association (QLA), and the Lao Youth Union with a total activity fund of USD  1,155,310.

The donation will assist the victims in the two provinces in 15 target districts, including Nong Hat, Kham, Paek, Phou Koud, Pha Xai, Kuon, and Mok Districts in Xiengkhuang Province as well as Sam Nua, Houamouang, Vieng Xay, Sobbao, Xieng Kor, Ad, Sone and Hiem Districts in Houaphanh Province.

The fund from the Lao Youth Union will have 400 recipients for vocational training activities, COPE will support about 300 persons with disabilities in the two provinces, and QLA project beneficiaries will assist 1,360 individuals to improve their quality of life.

The project will also look at improving community advocacy for the rights of UXO victims by helping them and their families become financially stable through assistance in job searches and setting up their own businesses.

The KOICA also supports UXO clearance capacity building through United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Laos, according to a spokesperson from KOICA.

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