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Monday, October 28, 2024

Lao Durian Sector to Focus on Export Growth to China

This Week

On 24 October, government officials, agricultural experts, and representatives from the private sector gathered to discuss enhancing the Lao durian sector for export to China, where demand for this tropical fruit is rapidly increasing. The talks aimed to improve both the production and quality of Lao durians, making them more competitive in the international market.

Attendees also explored strategies for expanding durian farming and optimizing logistics to meet Chinese import standards. A key highlight was China’s offer of a 98 percent tax exemption on durian exports, which presents a substantial opportunity for Laos to strengthen its position in the export market.

During the meeting,  the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry emphasized the need for quality control measures and certifications that align with Chinese regulations to ensure long-term success in the export market.

Participants also discussed how to support local farmers by providing better farming techniques and resources, as well as forming partnerships with Chinese distributors. Improving farmers’ skills will enhance durian quality and increase their income.

Laos boasts ideal conditions for durian cultivation, and experts believe that with the right investments and training, the country could substantially increase its durian exports. 

However, it faces stiff competition from established producers like Malaysia and Vietnam, as well as Thailand, which is planning to develop 20,000 to 30,000 rai of land for durian farming. With similar agricultural conditions and lower labor costs, Laos has the potential to emerge as a new  competitor in the Southeast Asian durian export market.

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