25 C
Tuesday, April 1, 2025

Ministry of Post and Telecommunications Review Past Year of Work

This Week

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications has developed and expanded information communications technology (ICT) infrastructure over the past year and have accomplished many successes.

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications, Dr Thansamay Khommasith, presented a summary of the past year’s work and the plan for the next year in Vientiane yesterday. The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications is concentrated on development and expansion of ICT infrastructure.

Most of the operations over the past year involved capacity building for the ministry’s officials to use the IT system equipment and management of the business side, especially concerning Laos’ first telecommunications satellite (Lao Sat-1). They also are paying attention to ICT system centre management and social media management.

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications is concentrating its efforts on a legal campaign for preventing and combating cyber crime toward the government and the public.

Cyber crime is any computer-related offence causing damages to the state, persons, legal entities, organisations and members of the public in accordance with the prescribed offences in Article 8 of the new law.

The Prevention and Combating of Cyber Crime act is designed to curb, eliminate and suppress such crimes.

For next year’s plan, the ministry will continue implement the party policy and social and economic development plan, especially focusing on the post and communications sector.

At the same meeting, the participants also discussed the use of ICT for state management and social and economic development.

The meeting began yesterday at the National Conference Centre and will run until December 15.

Source: Vientiane Times

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