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Sunday, February 16, 2025

Vietnam Tops List of Destinations for Lao Students

This Week

From 2011-2016 Lao students and officials took more academic courses in Vietnam than any other country, according to figures from the Ministry of Education and Sports.

More than 13,300 Lao students took courses in Vietnam from 2011-2016, while this academic year 3,498 Lao nationals are studying in foreign countries.

Director General of the Student Affairs Department, Associate Prof. Dr Khamleusa Nuansavanh, recently told the Education and Sports newspaper that the 3,498 figure includes 1,688 women studying abroad in academic year 2016-17.

Some 1,680 students received scholarships from the government while others received exchange scholarships arranged between Laos and various countries, and 1,818 students paid for their own studies abroad.

Associate Prof. Dr Khamleusa said more Lao students preferred Vietnam over other countries, with 1,749 people studying in the country in 2016-17. In 2015-16, almost 5,200 Lao nationals studied abroad including 899 on government scholarships, 2,490 through other programmes, and 1,797 being self-financed.

From 2011-2016, more than 13,300 Lao students and officials took courses in Vietnam, along with 3,289 in China, 909 in Thailand, 258 in Japan, and 252 in Australia.

According to the Student Affairs Department, Lao students have studied in 37 countries for bachelor, master’s and PhD degrees in subjects including administration, foreign affairs, law, technology, and agriculture and fisheries.

Associate Prof. Dr Khamleusa invites people wanting to apply for scholarships to study abroad to monitor the Student Affairs Department website: www.dsa.moe.gov.la/lo/.

This website gives the details of foreign scholarships and there are many available for students and officials at several ministries. Many countries provide scholarships for Laos each year, he said.


Source: Vientiane Times

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