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Wednesday, February 12, 2025

BCEL Opens E-Banking Network to Krungsri Customers

This Week

Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao (BCEL) has signed an agreement with Krungsri Leasing Services granting use of its electronic banking services to customers of Krungrsri.

Customers of Krungsri will be able to take advantage of popular BCEL e-banking applications such as BCEL One and I-bank after the two banking systems are linked.

The deal will also allow Krungsri customers access to BCEL’s nationwide ATM network.

BCEL is the leading commercial bank in Laos, offering a wide range of services to both business and retail customers. The bank’s network includes nineteen branches and 80 service units, which are all connected to its modern electronic systems.

The convenience of utility bill payments via the BCEL One mobile phone app is the biggest selling point of the BCEL e-banking system, and Krungsri customers will now be able to pay their bills via the same system.

BCEL One Screenshot
A screenshot of the BCEL One mobile phone app

The agreement between the two banks was signed by Deputy Managing Director of BCEL, Mr Phansana Khounnouvong, and Managing Director of Krungsri Leasing Services, Mr Chatchawan Permsukjarusap.

“In 2017, BCEL plans to open new branches to provide even more convenience to customers in accessing financial services,” said Mr Phansana Khounnnouvong, Deputy Managing Director of BCEL.

Meanwhile, Krungsri Leasing Service began providing financing products 2014.

The company is a joint venture between the Bank of Ayudhya Public Company (Krungsri) and Unity Capital Company Limited (UCC), a Lao finance company.

Krungsri Leasing offers financing options for cars and other vehicles, as well as gold, electronics and home appliances.

Krungsri signed a similar agreement with Joint Development Bank last year.

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