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Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Laos Confirms 16 New Cases of Covid-19 and Second Death

This Week

Laos has confirmed 16 new cases of Covid-19 today and reported the country’s second death from the coronavirus.

Dr. Latsamy Vongkhamsao led the daily announcement by the National Taskforce today, reporting that Laos had confirmed 16 new cases of Covid-19, bringing the total number of cases to 1,498.

Of the new cases, Vientiane Capital saw only one new case, while Champasack saw 15 new cases, all imported.

The country now has 983 active cases.

Dr. Bouathep Phoumin spoke during the announcement, clarifying the details of the second death attributed to the coronavirus in Laos.

She said the man had visited at-risk locations and was among those authorities had been searching for but would not disclose his whereabouts.

On 10 May he was admitted to 103 Hospital with chest pains and difficulty breathing, while he did not have a temperature or fever.

The man was overweight but was not considered obese, however, his condition deteriorated quickly and he was placed on a respirator on 12 May.

A World Health Organization expert was consulted, however, doctors were unable to save the man, who passed away at 4 pm yesterday afternoon.

Dr. Bouathep stated that according to government regulations, the body of a Covid-19 patient must be cremated immediately and a religious ceremony cannot be carried out.

Family members may attend the cremation but are prohibited from going near the body.

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