25 C
Sunday, February 23, 2025

Singapore to Trial Import of Electricity from Laos

This Week

Singapore is to trial the import of electricity from Laos via Thailand and Malaysia following an agreement between Keppel Electric and Electricite du Laos (EDL).

The agreement between the two companies is part of the Laos-Thailand-Malaysia-Singapore Power Integration Project (LMTS-PIP) that will see the four governments studying the feasibility of cross-border power trade, Straits Times reports.

Under the partnership, Laos’ state-run EDL is to export up to 100MW of power from Laos to Singapore via Thailand and Malaysia using existing interconnections, while Keppel Electric will purchase the power from EDL.

The trial electricity transmission is scheduled to begin after all technical, commercial, legal, and regulatory preparations have been finalized with the governments of the four ASEAN nations, and a binding power purchase agreement between Keppel Electric and EDL has been inked.

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