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Saturday, October 26, 2024

How To Make Online Classes More Interactive And Fun

This Week

The Covid pandemic presented several problems for different sectors, including the education sector. The problem in the education sector has been successfully resolved in many countries by shifting to an online mode of education. Even though online learning looks to be an easy task, it is not, especially if an educator is looking forward to creating an engaging online class. Making online classes fun and interactive requires skill and here are a few ways by which you can make online classes both interactive and fun. 

1. Choose the right platform 

Before you make the online classes fun, it is important to choose the right platform to avoid any disruptions in the online class. Before you decide on the platform, it is important to try different platforms such as Zoom, Google Hangouts, Webex, and Adobe Connect. After testing the platform, it is important to decide whether you need a free or paid subscription. After choosing the right platform, learn how to use it properly. After that, send proper invites and clear instructions to the students for a seamless class. 

2. Show your face to the students

Simply an audio class is boring and it immediately becomes less engaging for the students. Therefore, it is important to turn on the camera while interacting with the students. You can also encourage the students to turn on the camera to increase the interactivity amongst the students. Further, seeing the faces of the students ensures a more personal connection. 

3. Check-in with your students

Just like you would check in with your students in a physical classroom, it is important to do the same exercise during online classes. This is crucial to ensure that all the students are on the same page and understand the lesson. Also, it is important to encourage questions by the students to ensure that they develop a deep understanding of the topic and such practices help prepare for a good Sarkari Result too, in addition to other exams. 

4. Provide the students with interactive activities

The best learning happens during active participants by the students. Active participation during online classes can be ensured via interactive activities like presentations, group discussions, and quizzes and such activities are also helpful in developing a personality for preparing for Government Jobs. Depending upon what interactive activities are suitable for a particular lesson, an educator should incorporate the same in the online classroom. 

5. Divide the class into smaller group

It is a common practice in physical classrooms where the larger class is divided into smaller groups for completing a particular assignment. This practice should also be encouraged during online classes. The Zoom platform supports breakout room functionality and there are additional platforms that provide the same feature. It should be used to make it possible for the students to interact with each other and have fun while learning. 

6. Include personal conversation 

Small talk is essential both in the professional and academic world to improve interactivity. Further, small talk allows you to see your students as real humans online. Having casual discussions in the classroom also helps in improving the bond and one might always experience one or more valuable life lessons. It is always a good idea to start the Monday by asking the students to share their weekend stories. 

7. Use technology to your advantage

Online classes have their own advantages. With the help of technology, it is possible to ensure that the online classes are filled with the usage of whiteboards, drawing tools, screen-sharing tools, and other tools. Using diverse tools will break the monotony of the content type and will make learning more fun. 


Online classrooms can be difficult for the students, especially because it presents a certain sort of isolation amongst them. This might result in demotivation amongst the students. Therefore, it is important to ensure that each student feels valued during the online classes. The same can be practiced by calling the students by their name, asking random students to tell what they have learned from their lessons. Also, it is crucial to take feedback from the student regularly to ensure that you can improve the way in which you deliver the lessons. Give the students a break every now and then and be patient with them. Remember that everyone is having a tough time because of the pandemic and showing kindness has become all the more important. 


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