26 C
Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Khammouane Fuel Chief Urges Residents to Reduce Travel

This Week

A top executive at the Khammouane Branch of the Lao State Fuel Enterprise has called on residents to conserve fuel and give priority to agricultural producers.

While motorists in the nation’s capital have mostly been able to access fuel this week, residents in provinces such as Khammouane are facing difficulties.

Mr. Vongsone Phimmavongsa, Head of the Khammouane Branch of Lao State Fuel Enterprise, was quoted by KPL News as saying that residents of Khammouane should reduce fuel usage by driving only when absolutely necessary.

He said that people should refrain from unnecessary use of their vehicles to ensure an adequate supply of fuel for farmers, who require fuels for use in agricultural equipment.

“If people are wasteful with fuels during this crisis it will cause problems for all of us in the future,” he said, referring to potential food shortages.

Mr. Vongsone said that his company was working to distribute fuel among petrol stations in the province, with new supplies arriving one or two times per week.

He said that petrol stations are no longer authorized to fill bottles with fuel after individuals were caught attempting to resell petrol for personal profit.

Petrol stations in Khammouane may not sell more than LAK 400,000 worth of fuel to large vehicles, while those filling tanks for agricultural machinery may purchase up to 20 liters per person.

The provincial department of industy and commerce has been making regular inspections of petrol stations in Khammouane Province and has been educating the public about the cause of the fuel shortage.

The Lao Farmers Network made a plea to authorities on social media yesterday, saying farmers are unable to plow their fields or water crops without access to diesel fuels.

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