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Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Printing Association Plans Upgrade of Operations

This Week

The Lao Printing Association plans to use modern technology to develop its printing and publishing services in line with public demand.

Members of the association from several state and private printing enterprises in Vientiane met yesterday to review the success of their work from 2010-2015 and discuss plans for 2016-2020.

The association’s authorities proposed plans at the meeting, saying they would continue to support the development and design of various products.

They will also continue to improve members’ skills, upgrade printing programmes and send staff for training in neighbouring countries. They asked that all members cooperate in the development of new technology for use in printing and publishing.

The association plans to enlarge its membership in target areas of the country where printing businesses are growing. The Lao Printing Association hopes to increase membership in Vientiane by 30 percent and in the provinces by 20 percent.

The association counts 33 businesses in its membership, comprising six state printing houses and 27 private printing houses in Vientiane.

Deputy Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism Mr Bouangeun Xaphouvong chaired yesterday’s meeting.

Speaking at the meeting, Acting President of the Lao Printing Association, Mr Chanthiam Rathahao, reviewed the main activities from 2010-2015. During this time the association supported the development of printing skills so that printing techniques have improved and new products have been provided to satisfy public demand.

The association and the Ministry of Education and Sports have jointly developed printing programmes for members of the association, including printing design, production management in the printing house and programmes for printers and technicians. These have been set up for a two-year period.

Some officials have attended training of trainer programmes to further develop the industry.

Mr Chanthiam said the association supports its members and other printing enterprises to comply with government policy, regulations and laws regarding printing.

In recent years the association has provided financing to support meetings organised by the government, and has also helped the victims of various social problems as well as people who have migrated to other countries.

The Lao Printing Association has taken part in activities to mark the 35th and 41st National Days, Media and Publishing Day, and Constitution Day.

Source: Vientiane Times

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