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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Crowne Plaza and BIM Group Provide LAK 250 Million To Covid Taskforce

This Week

Crowne Plaza Vientiane and its investor enterprise, BIM Group, have contributed medical equipment and critical supplies valued at LAK 250 million to the National Operations Center which is operating during the unprecedented challenge of the prevention of COVID-19 outbreaks in our community.

The contributed supplies and equipment comprise 5,000 surgical gloves, 3,000 medical disposable sheets, 3,000 medical disposable pillowcase covers, 300 pillows, 12,500 boxes of face masks, 400 litter of 90% alcohol, 250 bottles of hand sanitizers, and 6,000 bottles of drinking water – all of which are to ensure the safety of medical officers and the fulfillment of healthcare facilities.

“This pandemic has made a big impact in our lives but one thing that it taught us is to be strong and to support one another. We thank our investor, BIM Group in Vietnam, who joined hands with us right away to provide much-needed support. Last but not least, Crowne Plaza Vientiane would like to thank the officers involved and the healthcare sector who are working hard to keep all of us safe. It is a great honor for our team at Crowne Plaza Vientiane to contribute these supplies to help ensure that they are protected while they are handling their job and to support the National Operations Center in the response efforts,” said a representative of Crowne Plaza Vientiane.

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