22 C
Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Laos Divides Districts Into Red Zones To Prevent Spread of Covid-19

This Week

The Ministry of Health has issued a notice detailing how villages in Laos are to be divided into three color-coded zones in accordance with Covid-19 infection severity.

According to the notice issued by the Ministry of Health today, authorities will divide districts into zones in every province to prevent and control the spread of Covid-19.

“Red zones” include villages with one case of unknown origin or a cluster of 2 or more cases within the last 14 days.

“Yellow zones” are villages with 1 case where contact tracing was successful, or villages that border red zone villages, or are villages where someone has been in contact with a Covid-19 case.

Villages that remain free of active Covid-19 infections will be designated as “green zones.”

In red zones, beauty salons, barbershops, tourist attractions, restaurants and bars, as well as casinos and gaming venues must be closed.

Factories that close in the red zone are required to have a welfare policy in place for their workers.

Group events or gatherings are not permitted in red zones, however, events may be held in yellow or green zones with no more than ten people present. Covid-19 prevention measures issued by the Taskforce must be strictly followed, including wearing a facemask and practicing social distancing.

Village authorities in red zones must continually monitor the situation to ensure residents comply with regulations.

Residents in the red zone will not be allowed to leave their homes except for essential tasks such as grocery shopping or medical visits, while residents in yellow or green zones are able to leave their homes freely.

Restaurants may open for business in green zones and yellow zones, however, dine-in is not permitted, and patrons may purchase takeaway meals only.

To improve the implementation of Covid-19 prevention and control measures in shops, supermarkets, and fresh markets, measures such as temperature checks, social distancing, wearing face masks, and hand washing will be enforced.

A zone may change from red to yellow or green after a 14-day period without any community transmission.

The zoning system got off to a false start earlier this week when it was announced by news media without an official notice being issued by any government authority.

Today’s notice, signed and stamped by Lao Minister of Health Dr. Bounfeng Phoummalaysith, makes the zoning official.

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