26.1 C
Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Laos to Continue Experiencing Scorching Weather All Week

This Week

The Department of Meteorology and Hydrology has issued its weekly forecast for Laos, which predicts hot weather for most parts of the country, with the possibility of mild rainfall in certain areas.

According to the department’s forecast, a low-pressure system of hot weather will cover the entirety of Laos with a moderate force, intensified by westerly-southwesterly winds that will affect most regions.

This will lead to hot and scorching weather conditions, accompanied by dry fog. In addition, thunderstorms with moderate intensity and occasional strong winds are expected to occur throughout the country, with the possibility of heavy storms in some of the central provinces.

In Vientiane Capital, residents can expect hot and humid weather like the previous week, with dry fog persisting throughout the day. Although the chance of mild rainfall exists in some areas, it is minimal. Nighttime temperatures may drop to 23-25 degrees, while daytime highs can reach 36-39 degrees.

The northeast region of the country will also experience hot weather and dry fog, with moderate thunderstorms and strong winds predicted in some areas. Minimum temperatures will range from 18-21 degrees and maximum from 30-33 degrees.

Likewise, the northwest region will experience hot weather, dry fog, and occasional moderate thunderstorms with strong winds. The temperature range will vary from 23-25 degrees during the cooler parts of the day to 37-39 degrees during daytime.

In the central region, hot weather and dry fog will persist throughout the day. Moderate to heavy thunderstorms, accompanied by strong winds, are expected in some areas of Vientiane, Bolikhamxay, Khammouane, and Savannakhet provinces. The temperature will hover from a minimum of 23-25 degrees to a maximum of 36-39 degrees.

Xaysomboun Province will enjoy mornings with slightly cooler temperatures, gradually becoming hotter as the day progresses. Some areas may experience thunderstorms and light to moderate cloud cover, accompanied by strong winds. The minimum temperature will be 16-18 degrees while the highest is expected to reach 26-32 degrees.

Southern Laos will also face extreme heat with little chance of rainfall in some places. The minimum temperature will be around 25-28 degrees and maximum will be 36-39 degrees.

The Bolaven Plateau will remain the coolest region of the country, with thunderstorms and light clouds, and high winds in certain areas. It will see minimum temperatures of 17 to 19 degrees and a maximum of 28 to 30 degrees.

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