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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Support Flood Victims in Laos by Donating to These Five Organizations

This Week

Eight provinces across Laos have been the victims of flash floods, affecting thousands of households across the country, especially in Khammouane, Bolikhamxay, and Savannakhet. As a result, several government and volunteer organizations have stepped in to help in rescue and immediate assistance efforts for affected victims.

Listed below are verified places where you can consider donating or ask for more information about how financial contributions from residents are being used for the welfare of victims.

Office of the Governor of Khammouane

The Governor’s Office of Khammouane is accepting donations for victims in affected areas.

According to the Secretary of the Governor’s Office of Khammouane, he said that the office is currently accepting donations, particularly canned foods, white rice, clean water, instant noodles, and other foods, for the flood victims. The office will be accepting donations until the subsiding of the flooding situation, till all victims are safely rehabilitated and out of danger.

He also added that donations in cash are not accepted.

To donate, contact: 020 52223499

Khammouane Volunteer Rescue

Khammouane Rescue operates as a non-profit organization, and it is currently accepting donations for canned foods and other daily necessities to create survival bags for victims.

According to an officer at Khammouane Rescue Volunteer, food is a scarcity and is needed most at this time. He said that the team is planning to help in Khounkham district by Wednesday or Thursday.

The organization is accepting funds through its BCEL One Verified Account.
LAK: 025-12-000-1261506-001
THB: 020-12-199-00790

One could also call on their helpline numbers to get more details on how to offer help, 020 23451624-020 55330065.

Vientiane Rescue 1623

Vientiane Rescue is a group of hardworking volunteers who have been risking their safety to help the victims of floods. Currently, the non-profit organization has sent four boats, several vehicles, and 30 volunteers to Khammouane province.

The organization is planning to send more volunteers to the affected areas to assist victims this Wednesday. To donate food, money or other essential items search Vientiane Rescue 1623 on Google Maps to find donation drop-off points in the city.

Rescue Volunteer 1624

Rescue Volunteer is another organization accepting donations to help flood victims in the south of Laos, especially in Savannakhet and Khammouane provinces.

An officer at the center said that every bit of donation is helpful at this time, especially mosquito repellent, rice, dry foods, drinking water, clothes, and more. He added that a team is already on its way to helping the victims, carrying relief supplies for immediate assistance.

The office is located in Phonphanao village, Saysettha district, and Bolek village, Xathany district, Vientiane Capital.

The organization is also accepting funds through its BCEL One Verified account:
LAK: 54323636

It can be contacted at 02054323636 or 020 56421624.

The Association of Assistance and Relief Vientiane Capital (AARVC)

The AARVC is currently also open for donations of rice, dry foods, drinking water, clothes, and other essential items.

The team of AARVC told the Laotian Times that they were planning to head out to Khammouane and Bolikhamxay to offer assistance today. The AARVC office is located in Sangveuy Village, Sisattanak district, Vientiane Capital.

The association is accepting funds through its BCEL One Verified account:

Or can be contacted at 02054000089.

When donating, please make sure to only donate to verified sources. Do not transfer funds to any accounts that are not part of any rescue operations or are not highlighted on the official Facebook pages of organizations working on-ground to help support victims.

Additional reporting by Jonathan Meadley

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