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Friday, October 18, 2024

Housing for Attapeu Flood Victims Still Unfinished

This Week

New homes for victims of the 2018 dam collapse in Attapeu Province have yet to be completed nearly four years after the disaster.

KPL reports that Minister of Information, Culture and Tourism, Ms.Suansavanh Vignaket, visited villagers in Sanamxay District, Attapeu Province, yesterday.

She toured the area and spoke with local authorities and affected residents, instructing authorities to ensure local people have a sound understanding of political theory, government policy and law.

The project to complete a total of 700 houses for victims of the dam collapse commenced in June 2020, valued at USD 24.5 million, with funds provided by the developers of the dam.

Governor of Sanamxay District, Mr. Soulivong Aphayvong, commented on the slow pace of construction in February this year, blaming the effects of Covid-19, as well as weather conditions and poor access to the site.

He said in an interview with Lao National Radio that after discussions with the contractor and other relevant parties, the housing project would be complete by April.

Despite this pledge, only 322 of 403 houses are complete.

Villagers’ homes were swept away in massive floods when the saddle dam at the Xe Pian-Xenam Noy hydropower project collapsed after heavy rains in July 2018, leaving 40 people dead and thousands living in emergency shelters.

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