Kwon Soon Young, known as Hoshi, a member of the popular K-pop group Seventeen has donated USD 70,000 to improve educational facilities at the Orphanage Secondary School in Luang Prabang.
According to the Northern Division of the Gyeonggi Community Chest of Korea, the donation is being used to construct new...
Trade Summary
On Monday, LSX index stayed unmoved at 995,21 points, As almost LSX-Listed shares were unchanged, However, the market saw around 202,770,000 kip for...
LSX lost 9.65 points on Monday to finish at 991.75 points as its heavily-weighted stocks, namely EDL-Gen and BCEL, traded in negative territory. The...
LSX composite index moved up 2.67 points on Friday, finishing at 1,001.40 points. The trading volume was modest with only 1,300 shares traded, worth...