UPDATED at 12:03 on 20 February
The last Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie to screen in Laos was on 12 November, 2023. Since then, local theaters have been without any new Disney, Marvel, or 20th Century Studios releases. But now, things are about to change. The US-based movie giant is...
The governing body of the Mekong River Commission last week approved a pair of major initiatives aimed at better coordinating and improving region-wide efforts...
Cambodia’s Phka Romduol rice has received the World's Best Rice 2022 Award at the World Rice Conference (WRC).
Cambodian Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and...
On November 15, the US Government donated contraband-detection equipment and patrol vehicles to the Lao Customs Department in a handover ceremony presided over by...
Business consultancy Katayst Partners is hosting a two-day event from 26-27 November designed to give business owners the skills and strategies they need to...