Lunar New Year, also known as Chinese New Year, has long been celebrated not only in China but also across Southeast Asia. Laos is not an exception, with the Chinese-Lao, Korean, and Vietnamese communities beginning their celebrations on 29 January and continuing for 15 days, becoming part of the...
In a mesmerizing annual spectacle known as the “Naga Fireball phenomenon”, mysterious glowing orbs emerge from the depths of the Mekong River, where its...
A new study published on 10 October revealed the existence of a new dragon-like lizard species in Laos, sparking the interest of environmentalists and...
In the heart of Southeast Asia, Laos quietly emerges as a tranquil alternative to bustling tourism destinations that often steal the spotlight.
As travelers seek...
Dokkeo Vongvilay, a 33-year-old Lao national won a lottery in Bangkok, Thailand, conquering the first price of THB 12 million (approximately USD 330,000)
On 16...
Op-ed By Dr. QU Dongyu, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
This year’s World Food Day celebrates one of...
As the festival season approaches, people across Southeast Asia are looking forward to spending quality time with family and unwind.
But, when it comes to...