On 1 March, the 22nd Japanese Speech Contest took place at the Lao-Japan Budo Center in Vientiane Capital. Japanese-language learners in Laos delivered speeches in front of a large audience, with their teachers, friends, and families cheering them on.
This year, 17 participants competed in the reading section, 14 in...
Local communities in Nam Mo and Nam Gnone, Xaysomboun Province, should now be better prepared to fight Dengue Fever thanks to recent education sessions...
More than 300 million children, representing 37 percent of all young people worldwide, will fail to achieve basic reading proficiency by 2030 if immediate...
Jiang Ping, a 17-year-old student in China, has sparked debate on mathematics and education after she was shortlisted for the 2024 Alibaba Global Mathematics...
Amidst ongoing economic difficulties, Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone reported a 4.7 percent growth in the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the first half...
Laos is grappling with growing economic and societal challenges as the current minimum wage, deemed inadequate by both workers and business owners, exacerbates labor...