UPDATED at 12:03 on 20 February
The last Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie to screen in Laos was on 12 November, 2023. Since then, local theaters have been without any new Disney, Marvel, or 20th Century Studios releases. But now, things are about to change. The US-based movie giant is...
Two new singers of TK Sound Lao Entertainment, Mr Khounphone Monmeuangneua and Ms Saphaothong Manivong, are seeking more support from their fans after recently...
With its world premiere announced yesterday as part of the initial lineup of Fantastic Fest 2016 titles the trailer for Laotian director Mattie Do's...
Construction of Nam-Mang 1 hydropower project in Phonsavanh village, Thaphabath district of Borikhamxay province is almost complete (99 percent) and is expected to be...
The police in Khamkeuth district, Borikhamxay province recently seized almost 200 kilogrammes of dry cannabis being transported by a Daehan pick-up truck and apprehended...
Laos and other ASEAN member countries are pursuing efforts to meet common goals and address problems related to deforestation as well as promoting sustainable...
The government made an official announcement in Vientiane on Thursday to completely halt fuel tariff exemptions in a move to close loopholes in illegal...