Hundreds of exhausted young men lie in an open-sided detention center in a seedy Myanmar border town, sweating through thick tropical heat by day and prey to clouds of mosquitoes by night.
They are among some 7,000 people from more than two dozen countries released from scam compounds who are...
Busadee Santipitaks has officially taken on her role as the first female and fourth Riparian Chief Executive Officer of the Mekong River Commission (MRC)...
Laotian Times/AFP - On 23 January, Thailand marked a historic milestone as its same-sex marriage law officially came into effect, with the LGBTQ+ community...
On 20 January, Laos received 29 ASEAN Tourism Standards Awards during the ASEAN Tourism Forum held in Johor, Malaysia. These accolades celebrate the country's...
Laotian Times and Huw GRIFFITH/AFP- On 17 January, Lao Prime Minister Sonexay Siphandone sent a letter of condolences to the Former United States President...