Burns Night 2025, an annual event organized by the British Business Group in Laos (BBGL) to celebrate the life and work of the famous Scottish poet Robert Burns, will take place on 1 February at the Holiday Inn and Suites in Vientiane Capital.
The evening event includes traditional Scottish...
The Department of Information, Culture, and Tourism of Vientiane Capital, Laos, hosted a seminar on 26 October to discuss ways to solve noise pollution...
Authorities at Industry and Commerce Department in Bokeo province donated 40 kg of illegally imported fresh pork to Bokeo Ethnic Group Boarding School in...
The Ministry of Industry and Commerce collaborated with local companies to start selling commonly used consumer goods at lower prices in Vientiane Capital to...
The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (MOAF) proposed a ban on imports of certain vegetables and other agricultural products to boost domestic production and...
The first 7-Eleven store in Laos officially opened its doors to customers on Thursday, 7 September. The convenience store is located at Souphanouvong Road,...